Saturday, February 26, 2011

The presence of the Lord

Where would we be as a people if God did not allow us the opportunity to experience his presence? I think about the days of Moses and how the priest went behind the veil on the behalf of the people.It is amazing to me how back in those days, the priest, before entering into that holy place, had to have a rope tied to their ankle. This was done in case they were found to be unclean and if they dropped dead, the others could pull him out by the ropes.

Upon entering behind this veil, the priest also had to come with some form of sacrifice. This was done yearly.In comparison today, after mercy and grace granted us access to enter behind the veil on our own,we have the privilege to call on the name of Jesus and find ourselves at the feet of the father.

As a people and the privilege and honor we have in this day and generation, we have no clue of how blessed we are. One day, I was studying my word and the question had come to mind; What does it mean to be in the presence of the Lord? If someone who was searching for answers and this was one of the questions they would ask, what would be my answer? What is it that these lost souls have forward to receiving from us if we were in a position of answering this question?

So,I said, "Okay Lord." You really don't hear anyone explain exactly what it means to be in the presence of the Lord, according to scripture. No, I can tell you my experiences of being in the presence of the Lord, but only if the Lord allow me to share my experiences. So, how would I explain what it mean to be in the presence of the Lord?

This is for all those who are in need of a touch from the Lord. This is for all those who has ever questioned the actual presence of the Lord. This is for those who are at a lost in life in general.

Let's go back to Adam and Eve in the garden...

Genesis 3- being in the presence of the Lord is like being in a garden on the cool of the day. It is where you'll find understanding of the fear of the lord. It is where you'll find knowledge(Proverbs 2:5)

Exodus 25:22- Being in the presence of the Lord is where he meets and commune with us from above his mercy seat.

I Chronicles 16:27- Being in the presence of the Lord is where you'll find his glory, honour, strength and gladness.

Exodus 33:9-11- being in the presence of the Lord is when the cloudy pillar descends and all the people bare witness to it.

Psalm 16:11- being in the presence of the Lord is where we find fullness of joy. It is where we find pleasures and the Lord will show us the path of life.

Exodus 31:3- being in the presence of the Lord is where we are filled with the spirit of God, in wisdom and understanding. In knowledge and in all manner of workmanship.

I Chronicles 16:33- You know when you are in the presence of the Lord when the trees of wood sing out because the Lord is coming to judge the earth.

Zephaniah 1:7- being in the presence of the Lord is when we knowingly use wisdom to hold our peace.

Acts 3:19- being in the presence of the Lord is a time for refreshing.

Jude 24- being in the presence of the Lord is where we are presented faultless before the father.

Psalm 68:8- being in the presence of the Lord is when the earth shakes and the heavens drop.

Psalm 114:7- being in the presence of the Lord the earth begins to tremble.It is where the upright live. It is where all idols are removed and hearts melt in his presence.

Exodus 38:20- being in the presence of the Lord is when we tremble before him.

I Corinthians 1:29/Romans 3:27- being in the presence of the Lord is where no flesh will glory before him.

These are only a few scriptures. God will not have no flesh to boast or take credit while in his presence. If we cannot find anything else to thank God for, you now have a reason. God has given us, through the blood of the lamb, the opportunity to come before him, without a priest.

We have that way made and we can worship before the father and love him and allow him to love us. The presence of the Lord has become a hiding place from the cares of this world, if we embrace this path. Life can throw us so many blows, but God extends an offering to you and say, "enter into the secret place." He says, "I can show you how to get there, all you have to do is ask and believe."

When we enter behind the veil the sacrifice we bring with us is ourselves. We are required to present to the Lord ourselves, flesh, as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto which is our reasonable service.

When Jesus Christ died for us and the veil was ripped, the veil ripped from bottom to top.I would compare the veil and our flesh ripping from the time we enter into that secret place.

Our flesh rips each time the sacrifice of our "time" is required of us.

Be Blessed!

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